Opera Failed to Install: How to Fix It in 3 Steps

Seamlessly install Opera with our quick fixes

by Milan Stanojevic
Milan Stanojevic
Milan Stanojevic
Windows & Software Expert
Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He's a PC enthusiast and he... read more
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Alex Serban
Alex Serban
Windows Server & Networking Expert
After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server... read more
Affiliate Disclosure
  • Opera is an extremely reliable Chromium-based web browser whose popularity is rising.
  • It's only fair to be incensed if Opera failed to install, given that most users don't face such issues.
  • To fix things, use a trusted and official source to download the browser and check the Internet connection, amongst other solutions.
How do I fix Opera if it failed to install
Having problems with your current version of Opera One? Make sure your browser is up-to-date.Although many possible reasons lead to issues with your Opera One Browser, one of the fastest solutions is reinstalling your browser first (make sure you download the version from only verified sources).Here's what Opera One can do:
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  • Get Opera One

Many users complained that Opera failed to install for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, this error is not uncommon and may appear when trying to update or install the browser on your Windows PC.

In some cases, the Opera installer lags for about 20 minutes, leading to Opera not downloading. So, nothing ever happens. Even though the developers didn’t release an official fix, we will explore some solutions for Opera not installing in Windows.

Why is Opera not installing?

As it turns out, a damaged setup file can lead to Opera browser not downloading or installing issues. So, the quickest way to fix this is to get your hands on the Opera offline installer and use it instead.

The offline installer doesn’t use the Internet connection to download files, so you should be able to install the browser without any issues.

Some of our readers also complained about Opera GX’s failed to install issue, but it’s essentially the same problem we’re addressing with Opera. Another reason is insufficient privileges. In that case, make sure to use an administrator account.

How do I fix Opera if it failed to install?

Before moving to the slightly complex solutions, here are a few quick ones to try:

  • Restart the PC.
  • Make sure you are not getting a slow Internet speed. If that’s the case, disconnect other devices on the network, update the drivers, and then try installing Opera.
  • Delete the current installer, download a new one from the official website, and try to install Opera using it.

If these didn’t work, head to the solutions next.

1. Install Opera through the offline installer

Some users have managed to circumvent the Opera failed to install error by obtaining the official Opera offline installer and following the on-screen instructions as you would normally.

1. Download the Opera Installer.

2. Select where you want to download the Opera Installer, then click on Save.


3. After completing the download, click on the executable (.exe) file to run it.


4. This will open up the installer. If you want to customize the installation of Opera on your PC, you can click on Options.


5. Then, click the Install button to start the process. (Here you can change the language, installation location, and also the default settings for your browser)


6. The installation process will now start. Once it is finished, you will be able to start Opera and start browsing the internet without any issues.

2. Install Opera from a trusted source

Like any other software, Opera should only be installed from trusted sources, where you will be provided with a direct download link from the official Opera website.

Downloading and installing Opera setup packages hosted on a third-party website is not recommended.

If the Opera installer is not working, the reason might be an incomplete download or the installer you’ve got from the third-party website is incomplete or corrupted.


Try using the offline installer to quickly gain access to secure, fast, and error-free browsing.

3. Run a few commands

Tip icon Tip
This solution works specifically for Linus users unable to install Opera on their PC.
  1. Open the Terminal window on your Linux PC.
  2. Now, paste the following commands one at a time, and hit Enter after each to execute them separately:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt update sudo apt –fix-broken install
  3. Once done, you should now be able to install Opera.

This article explored a quick fix for the Opera not downloading issue. Using this method, you will surely be able to solve this problem quickly.

What’s more, you can apply these very same steps to fix Opera GX not downloading issues. So, if Opera GX fails to install, you can still use the offline installer tool.

You should also check our guide on Opera GX stuck on installing for the current user.

If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to address them in the comments section below.

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